A few things to consider....

So I grab my peeps and we head to Wally World, cause that's how I roll...
We pull in to the parking lot, FULL, not just full SUPER DUPER FULL. Like I should park at Micky's D and walk over kinda full. It's like everyone within a hundred mile radius decided, at that precise moment, to go to WW. Great, it's a freakin weekday morning at 10:30, and I know it's summer but jeez, don't you people have a J-O-B??? Now, I'm not one to "dress up" to go to Wally's but people, come on! It's like there is some unwritten law out there, requiring you to do at least a few things before going in public:
A: Please, please, shower or bathe....then use deodorant, body spray, perfume, air fresher...Whatever works.
B: Take the rollers, perm rods, combs, picks, etc...out of your hair before entering the store.
C: Put clean clothes on, at least put some shoes on, for Pete's sake!!!

Three basic things, am I asking too much??? I don't think it's totally unreasonable. Oh I forgot a few, but these are just my pet peeves about WW....not really anything major but, these things drive me crazy and are all true things I've witness very recently. Save your hooker clothes, shoes, make-up for Saturday night, not Wednesday morning. Put some clothes on your kid and wash him/her!!! Dang it, no one wants to see your dirty kid in nothing but their diaper. If you are handicapped, have trouble walking, etc.. and need that lark thing to ride around on, fine use it. But if you weight like 300lbs, are not handicapped, and have use of your legs, then freakin WALK around the store, it might do you some good!!

I mean it's hard enough to go to WW with three kids, (two of whom highly protested against going) but crazy, stinky, people make it way worse. Crazy people are everywhere, I know this. But WW is somewhere I HAVE to go, and I may see these people again, like next week. For the most part I try, (really, really, try) to be polite and set a good example for my children...but this last trip was not my finest hour.
Just one example: My youngest says, as we pass several unbathed, no shoe wearin folk, "Ewww Mommy what smells so bad?" Me very quietly say "Shhh B it's probably some bad fruit" (sorry she caught me off guard, I had to work fast, plus I needed a few things down that aisle) So I'm trying to hurry past them asap. N hears what I told B and very loudly says "No Momma, it was those people back there, remember that girl who had no shoes on, they stunk really bad!!"

Oh yea, he's so not getting the "good" pop tarts today!!

What do you do?? I mean really, WHAT DO YOU DO??? They of course heard him, half of the dairy section heard him...So what does this polite, sweet,(the big one could so hurt me) Momma do? Turn and run to the craft section, on the other side of the store!!! So we stayed shopped in the craft section a good 20 minutes or so, until I was sure the coast was clear finished looking at crafts. The kids kept asking why I was looking in this section, as we don't really have a craft day at the house. K knew what I was doing but thankfully she saw "the look" and kept quiet. Thank goodness the rest of the adventure was, for the most part, uneventful. As we are walking out of WW, K says to me "Madre (don't ask, that's for another time & place) next time can we please, please stay at home??" I tell her "I just might seriously consider it." So when we all got into the car I had the "polite way to say things in public and when to keep your mouth shut" talk on the way home. See, if everyone would do A B & C as listed above, I would not have to have these "little talks" with my children. Plus I would save all these people from huge embarrassment. Oh I'm so glad I got that off my chest, I was needing to vent. Thanks for listening.
OK, now I can go on with my day....

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