Playoffs, Round 2.....

Ok so tomorrow is the big, (actually it's HUGE) Pee-Wee football playoff game!!!

We are in round 2, and we are up against a pretty darn good team. dangit!

But I got the boys all set!!!
On Thursday (pep rally night) they got the best treat bags, best candy, and the coolest (fake) tattoos!!!
Why fake tattoos???
To totally physic out the other team, of course......
Cause if you don't know it by now friends, I will tell you......

Football is a head game!!!

Believe it or not, it totally is!!!

The boys, coaches, refs, etc all talk some smack to make you loose your mojo....
I know because I'm on the field with them, why you ask???
Well because I have the sweetest camera, (no really cause I'm supposed to helping with the Cheerleaders, but whatever)
So being right there with the boys, I hear all the smack talk and trust me they all do it!!!

It's actually kinda funny!!
I hear 3rd and 4th grades talkin' trash...
It makes me laugh!!!
I hear "you can't play football punk, your team can't beat us, your Coach is drunk"...blah blah blah

It's a total head game so I got body tattoos for all the boys to wear on their arms, face, neck, hands, etc... to throw off the other teams concentration when they are on the line...

Pretty freakin smart huh???
I mean, come on they are only 9 and 10 year olds!!!

Sooo we are headed for another Saturday of playoffs...
I'm a mess, I've bit off all my nails (but typing is like sooo much faster) I can't decided which Owl spirit shirt to wear, I'm freaking cause I forgot to charge my camera (until now) I'm running around making sure everyone's uniform is clean and ready to go...I feel like I'm forgetting something...
I'm sure I'll remember about 11:30 when we are there!!!
But there is a plus.....

Mark's on his way home...Thank Goodness!!!

I really, really want this for the boys, and I think if the bring it on and play like they know how to, they got this in the bag!!!

Sooooo wish us luck and pray really hard that they do their very best and no one gets hurt!!! Especially number 21, cause his Momma cannot take another bad thing this week!!!
Oh and to win the game...but mostly no on gets hurt....(did that sound convincing enough???)

American Conference Championship is the next step...Then the biggest of them all!!!


But let's just make it through tomorrow....

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