Game Day Checklist

Our team has a game today....but not just any game people....
A Playoff Football game!!! Woo-Whoo...
This Momma is almost set....

My Team Mom checklist:
Camera (most important)
Owl shirt (gotta show som' love)
Field pass (only the best shots come from ON the field)
Blanket (it's a tad chilly, not to bad...but this is just never know)
Players parents numbers, cell numbers, and email address (just in case someone doesn't show up...KP gets really upset, I must have all numbers at ALL times!)
Team sign (totally rippin the other team)
Window chalk for 'burban (Gotta have team spirit)
Son's jersey, pads, gloves, helmet, towel, x-tra H2O..(cause ya know he'll forget something)
Daughter's Poms-poms, megaphone, bottle shaker...(again with the forgetting)
Air horn (a total must, plus hubby hid it, but we won't go there right now... and I FOUND it!!!)
Okay I'm thinking I'm ready.....
Did I forget something???


Oh yea

My family...hee hee
I'll let you know the outcome as soon as we get home...

Hubby won't let me take the laptop to the game (arms crossed & pouting, SOOO not fair, dangit!!!)

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