Watch out, I'm a football Mom!

Ahh yes....The weather is FINALLY where it needs to be for this time of year, the kids (oh, come on...who are we kidding...and ME TOO!!) are sooo excited about Halloween, and my son is playing on a winning football team!!!
Woo-Whoo..there is just nothing better than watching your son and his friends totally shred the other team to bits.

I know, I need help....

The sad part is when K was a cheerleader, I totally despised football Moms...

They were completely insane.
Yelling and screaming at the ref's, coaches, who ever...Constantly yelling over the cheerleaders...Dressing in all "football Momish" wear...Always had crap written all over their car windows...WTH??? They had the loudest air horn and used it repeatedly!!! Thought at least one boy on the other team was clipping her son in the backfield...

See what I mean, freakin nut cases!!!

Man, me and the other "cheer Moms" use to make sooo much fun of them.
Oh these Moms are waaay to serious about this...They are just kids...Pleeeez, it's just a game??? Why do they even keep score?? What's with this whole clipping in the backfield thing anyways?? What's the back field??? I mean hello, we have a life!!!


Such a witch, with a "B"

But I always never have my Football Momish shirt on, nor do I ever yell at the refs, that would be wrong... and if they hear ya you can into trouble... So see I'm one of the calmer, sweeter, football Moms...Plus I'm team Mom...I have to set a good example for the "rookie" football Moms..Wait does that mean I have actual power??? the control thing!!

So anywhoo, our football team is doing sooo good!!! In conference we are 4-0 sooo sweet, no losses...oh yea...we th' bomb...and since I have the most awesomest (just made that up)camera ever...I've got some killa shots....

Nate and teammates at half time...

The ever popular "wedge" play..

I cannot believe I got this cool picture...I'm too good..hee hee
And this one too...All in the same game...Oh yea, I'm rocking with the new camera!

I love to find Jordan and it's so easy with his red cleats!!!

This is one of my favs!!! High 5's all the way down the field..

What?? Like I wasn't gonna stick one of me in here...With my little homecoming Princess...Plus I get to show off my Photoshop skillz!!!

So in case you have girls or know someone who does...let this be your warning....cause at one point or another you will cross our path...Whether you want to or not.....

Here are the rules....

Don't dis the physco pee-wee football Moms!!

We hear everything!!! We will find out....

During the game, don't even try to talk to us, unless it's about the play....

We know our football inside and out & we even know your stinkin cheers....(tongue sticking out)

We can be just as chatty and we love to gossip, just not when our son is carrying the ball into the end zone!!!

Don't ask 5 billion questions about who's winning?? What quarter is it?? How long is this game??
Shut. up. already!!

And remember.....

Be nice, kind, courteous, polite, super sweet, praise our sons, and we will leave you alone..... cause really, we don't even like you anyways.....

Plus we will so kick your ass!!!

After the game, of course.....

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