Teenagers..why did my sweet little girl have to become one?? WHY???

My daughter is a teen, yes the dreaded teen years are here, and I have no idea how we are gonna get through this whole "girl" teenager, I hate you!~I wish I was an only child!~Why can't I have those 6' heels for school?~Well that teacher hates me~Can I tan? thing...


My daughter and her friends before Nate's football practice...They are crazy girls

I'm scared of many items related to K, 1st being she like boys...alot, (growl, hiss, errr) then top that off with her hateful mean little catty witches friends...plus that fact that I never see her without a phone glued to her ear...and well you've (being ME) have big issues.


I really just want to have ONE day where I don't have to fight with her on every single thing!!! Typical morning...
Yes, your hair is straight
No, you cannot have my Chi
Yes, you can borrow some earrings...but I want them BOTH back!!!
No, you may not wear those hooker heels to school
Yes, that outfit matches, but no, your not wearing it
Because I said so!!!
K, take your meds
Yes, your makeup is pretty, yes it's fine...I am looking!!
No, you cannot go to the football, volleyball, or whatever event is tonight! It's a school night.
K, did you get your homework done??
K, change the attitude young lady!!
No, you are not going to (insert any friends name here) house to spend the night...it's a school night for chrissake!!! jeesh
WHAT??, you still have not done you homework??
Yes, you have to do it at home! hence the name "home" work
No, study hall is not for doing homework.
Yes, you have to go to your brother's football practice tonight...can't trust her to stay at home by herself (don't ask)
K, NO!!! I said you were coming home after school, your not going anywhere!!
K, get your backpack, and your progress report is on the counter
More silence.
K, ???
K, you hear me??

Front door closing (I mean SLAMS) shut.

Oh...O K

bye honey...

have a great day..

love ya!!


Yep, she's gone......

Oh, I'm totally exhausted, and that's just before school!!
I just can't wait till she gets home and it starts all over again...

This teenager thing is ridiculous!! She cares about nothing and no one but herself....
Plus she is totally clueless. She has no clue what so ever...Her and "street smarts" yea they've never met..It's not like I can teach her street smarts...
Sometimes I wish she could just get a bonk her in the head (like the V8 commercials) yea I think she could use a good bonk in the forehead, or even throw in a duh, every now and then. So she could see where she went wrong....if I could go back, knowing what I know now...whoa...I would do soooo many things differently...(but that my friends is a whole other post in itself)
But of course she know everything,
And I know NOTHING...
(big sigh)
I'm sure this phase too, as soooo many others, shall pass.
But then, what's next? I'm kinda afraid to ask...
Maybe if I hurry, I can stop Brookie Cookie from growing into an awful teenage girl....

God's cell ringing.....
Hey, it's Tara....got a sec??
I need Brooklyn to stay around 4 or 5...
ummmm cause...I don't want her to become an evil teenager..
Please...Please..Please let her stay little....
NEVER EVER let her grow up...She's my baby...My last one..Keep her little for just a bit longer than usual, like foreve!!!
I'm a good Mommy...
No really...
Okay, but I am getting better, I was even on time for football yesterday...(smiling and looking so proud)
Whaddya mean that doesn't count????
Big K was happy...and when kp is happy everyone is happy!!
No???? Really??
oh man,
Oooookkkkkaaayyyy (giving in)
Fine. She can grow up. dangit
But if you HAVE to let her grow up, can we, say skip ages 12-17, please??

Hey, ya can't blame a Momma for tryin...

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