A Thousand Words Thursday

Cheaper Than Therapy

I know, I know....I left my poor bloggin buddies to fend for themselves...
I'm sorry, life has thrown me some big ole' sour lemons lately and I've been trying to make lemonade, but I have no sugar....
So hopefully now that summer is officially here, well at 1:00 p.m. today, when my babies get out of school..I'm hoping to be back to normal....Well as normal as you can get with 3 kiddos and a house full of...Drama!!! What?? Like you didn't know....

Okay, so enough about why I've totally bailed on ya...
Here is my Thursday post...From the always there for us on Thursdays (and every other day of the week)....Jenn at Cheaper than Therapy

I suppose y'all will want to know what I've been up too, for ummm 2 months, Gosh I really didn't think it was that long...(sigh) OMG I'm so sorry!! Okay so yes I will totally catch you up on our lives...and of course all the Drama!!!

I took these of my friend Tracy, back at the beginning of May...She wanted some Awesome pics to give to her hubby...I think she looks incredible!!!

Plus I had to get those boots!!! Love those!!!

She's amazing!!!

Yea, she's a little sly...

And we must see the tat...

Thanks again Trace for letting me take these...and for being so easy to photograph!!!

So my peeps I will try to update you as quickly as possible...Life is hopefully slowing down for me and my familia...I will try to get some more posts up soon.....

Let's see I have a lot from these last few weeks......
Mom's night out at the Rangers game-in a limo, people!!!
Nathan's baseball games-the boys are doing all right....if I do say so myself!!!
Katie's usual drama....boys, friends, and of course trying to under-mind everything I say... Brooklyn's Pre-K graduation...that was a whoopin...and kinda sad...and of course
just life with me...
Ya know the boring, nothing ever happens to me, I never cause any drama at all, stay at home Mom.......
yea right like my life is EVER boring!!!!

Stay tuned.....

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