25 things you probably don't care about, but...you'll read it anyways!!!

Okay so what is it with this 25 "random things" obsession??? OMG, I got tagged like 22 times on Face book, which is sad cause I only have like 40 friends....Then I was tagged again on My space...I know I have both, it's sad....But any-whoo...
25 random things??
You wanted to know...
Why I have no idea....
So here it goes.....

1. I love love love Whoppers* candy and Laffy Taffy's, can eat them everyday and sometimes I do!!

2. I would rather drink water with lemon than anything else, well expect for my wine evenings...

3. Before I was born and as a kid my parents, grandparents, Aunt, & Uncle (even some cousins) either owned and/or worked at a Dairy Queen.

4. I have panic attacks going over very high overpasses and bridges. I can't breath and my wrist, hands, and fingers hurt....My husband and kids sooo love to make fun of me for this...

5. Before I was married, I HARDLY ever ate red meat...I mean almost never!!!
But then I married someone who had cattle in his backyard...WTH???

6. I have a addiction to Gymboree clothes, shoes, socks, panties, hair bows, etc......
I do not wish to discuss it any further....I've admitted it so there, I'm done....

moving on....

7. I love gifts bags...All shapes, sizes, colors...and I keep all bags that are given to me or to my kids, and the tissue paper too.

8. My all time most favorite movie ever.

I know every word (Grease is the word is the word...Oh, sorry) of dialogue and every song in the movie...When I was little I had red high heels, black silky pants, a perm, and wanted to smoke..

9. It took me like 6 months to learn to drive a 5-speed...
Eric if your out there in Blog land...Thank you and I'm so sorry about your clutch...

10. I have one tattoo, and this will be the only one...It's on my foot, it's a purple daisy...
I ain't gonna lie to ya, it hurt like a mo' fo' and anybody who tells you it didn't, is sadistic and mean.

11. I soooo wanted to elope and get married under a water fall in Hawaii....Skip the whole wedding mess...
My Mom said, go...see ya...have fun!!
Hubby said, nooooo we have to stay here and get married in front of everyone...
So we did....Still waiting on my waterfall babe??!!!

12. My most favorite job as a teen was working in a tanning salon, super fun and you got to tan for free, *bonus!!!

13. I love flip flops, and wear them almost year round.....but ONLY Old Navy's and Reefs...
They are the bomb'

14. I take borrow pens from Doctors offices, I love those stinkin big ole' fat pens!!!

15. I love post it notes!!! All shapes, colors, and sizes...I put them everywhere!!

16. I have bought (and still do) many birthday, wedding, baby shower, etc. gifts on the way to the party/wedding/shower and totally packed it in the car with tissue paper and signed the card....

17. My hair has been all colors....
red, blonde, grey, purple, orange, white, brown, green
But really, who's hasn't??

18. I have Tarot cards and I know how to give a reading....
No, I'm not into all that freak stuff...I just can read them and make sense of it all....
Don't ask it was a fluke thing and it just happened....Okay??? 6th sense, ummm maybe??

19. I have stood on a suspension bridge, in Colorado, for all of 2 seconds and I cried...It. was. very. scary.

20. I still love to watch Disney's The Emperor's New Groove...It is my FAVORITE Disney movie!!!
Boom Baby!!

21. As a little girl I wanted to be a Dallas Cowboys Cheerleader...and I had the big hair, outfit, and pom poms to prove it!!

22. I clip coupons all the flippin time and organize them all so neatly in my coupon thingy....But then I get to the store and either forget the coupons all together or just plain forgot the damn organizer at home!!

23. I get a ton of magazines and I keep 'em....
I keep ALOT of them...
You need back issues of something, I probably got it.
Some do go to school to be recycled....and I'm telling ya, if they ever start a contest at school for the class with the most pounds of paper....We are sooooo winning!!!

24. I don't like coffee at home, only Starbucks and only when I'm really in the mood....

25. (woo-whoo last one!!) I must have a pretzel at Target and/or at Sam's whenever I go shopping...
It's like their calling my name...Yumm, wish I had one now...

Whew...That was a whoopin', I need a blog rest....
Okay so ya feel like you know me a little better now???
So stop tagging me already!!!

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