school, sickness, & a mean sunburn

Can I just say our school year did not start off on the right foot, or any foot for that matter...ugh...
On Sunday night (before school was to start the next day) Brookie started running a fever...
Okay okay I got this, one kid feeling kinda bad, running little fever...
One is waaaaaaay better than three.

B ran a fever all night and was just feeling like poo...So I go to wake Nate up for school and, you guessed it, he has a FEVER!!!
Like 103.7 fever...Holy cow!!!
Now I've got 2 sick kiddos at home and both have to miss their 1st day of school.

Oh how funny life is sometimes. As much as I was looking forward to this day and all it's glory, it was a total mess!!!
B was sick in the night, a couple of times...N just wanted to sleep all day and I just wanted to cry.....
I called the Dr's office and of course it was all viral.

Great that means everyone will get it!!!

Of course everyone did not get it, only Mom...
I was sick as a dog by Thursday, good thing I gave up that whole P.*.O thing...right Trace?

Thank goodness Mark got home Friday cause I was still feeling like poo, and we all needed some Daddy love...he'd been gone 2 whole weeks!!!

But by Friday night I was better and everyone was finally back on track...
Dang good thing too as Nate & Brooke had their first football game on Saturday morning....and this football/cheer lovin Momma was not gonna miss that if you had to wheel me in on a gurney...Which after almost 3 hours in this Texas heat I could of used one...At least I got some sun...well one side did...yep sportin the every popular retard sunburn.
Ya know when only 2 inches of one arm is red, half of your neck, and then your face has beautiful white circles from your sunglasses...

No pictures, please

Anywhoo we are all kinda back into the whole grove of things.
I have pictures and a wealth of info on our 1st football game, I'll get it going soon....
I promise to get blogging more....Just as soon as my life calms down...
Oh wait, when will that be??

Like 2022....Oh boy, can hardly wait!!!

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