Come Monday, it will be alright....

School starts on Monday!!! Can I get a whoop whoop???
Oh yea oh yea...

I'm sooooo super excited to have ME all to myself again!!!
I'll have time to do all the things I didn't do this ummm,
I don't know...clean my house!!!

UGH, as much as I dislike house cleaning it has to be done...
Unfortunately. But let's face it...Who else is gonna do it?
Seriously, who?

But the good news is, when I finish one room and go to the next one, the 1st room will still be clean.
That's so nice.

Plus all the peace and quite (well on Mon, Wed, & Fri....while Brookie Cookie is in pre-k) and speaking of the whole preschool thing, I love the idea, 100%. Well it's not free, but you can't put a price on your sanity...right??

Yes my friends Monday will be the best day ever!!! Now next year at this time, when my baby girl goes to actual Kindergarten, that will be a different story. I'm sure I'll be sad, cry hysterically, need meds, and all that but for right now, Pre-k is awesome!!!

Here's all the peeps when we got our pics taken...

Oh and's just an example of my everyday, no really it is.

My baby girl's 4 year old picture..(*sniff*) She was told not to grow, she never listens!!!

So tonight we venture to "meet the teacher" at Nate's school, then off to Brooke's school to meet her teacher. No meet & greet for Katiee though....Ummmm I guess they figure 8th graders really don't have to meet their teachers, whatever.

Any-whoo I'm off to make sure we have all the required essentials for school. I'm so looking forward to Monday and all it's glory!!!

Now, what in the heck will I do on Tuesday??

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