My 1st blog...

This is my very first blog, I didn't think I would ever do this nor did I think my life was entertaining enough to warrant a blog. But after reading countless friends blogs I decided why not, right??? I'm kinda excited to do this if nothing else I can totally vent from my crazy and sometimes unbelievable days with my husband and three very active, very funny, very opinionated kiddos. Which I sure you will be reading about in great detail. So here we go...
This week has been pretty crazy and it's only Wednesday.
N's been doing baseball camp and it's in the morning and then again in the afternoon. Hauling around smelly, sweaty, and crabby boys all afternoon can be very taxing...then throw in K and her "can I go to so and so's house to spend the night?" every 5 minutes, then poor B and her not so typical routine of running around all day, she's all kinds of screwed up.
If they are not with a friend, at a friends house, or going somewhere, they are "sooo bored" Oh man I have 2 more months of this crap!! Like we don't have every gaming system Nintendo makes as well as a few others, plus 5 T.V's in our house and if all else fails they all have bikes and legs....go outside!!! Then to make matters worst, M (the hubby in this epic) left on Monday and will probably be gone a while, so I'm left with camps, parties, friends, deal with by myself...yippie!! Nathan has one more day of baseball camp and then we are all going to Splash Station (little water park) on Friday. Maybe by Saturday I can actually rest, but I'm not holding my breath.

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